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Mange forretninger, restauranter og bar
En fantastisk 7 km lang hvid sandstrand
Mulighed for vandsport hele sæsonen
Hidropark, gokart
Et stort naturreservat tæt på
Den historiske gamle by Alcúdia
(Mange ferie muligheder hele sæsonen)

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The Red Rum Engelsk bar og restaurent

Red Rum
Red Rum er en af de mest berømte engelske bar på Balearerne og regnes for at være i top 10 som bedst placeret pub i verden... Red Rum ved Barcares nær Alcúdia er inspirationen til denne side's usædvanlige web adresse. Ejeren, Elaine fra Rotherham i England, har oplært hendes personale rigtigt godt i England - bare vent indtil du hører de  fantastiske adopterede spanske vendinger med en dyb lokal accent !!!

The Red Rum Bar - Among the top 10 best situated pubs in the world..!!

Prøv at tage en tur forbi Red Rum, hvis du er i Alcúdia eller Pollença. Detaljer om deres hjemmeside - www.redrum.ukpub.net

The Red Rum British Bar and Restaurant
The Red Rum Bar and Restaurant at Barcares near Alcudia

English Lessons.......

By J R Booker - A Chesterfield Lad and Spireite Supporter, Especially For Us

Signora! Signora!!
Coom kweek! Shoofinella!
Zat man over zere’
He complain about a di paella!

“Go back and tell him,
There’s nowt wrong wi’ it, and, Manuel!!
It’s not shoofinella---
It’s chuffin’ ‘ell!!

I’ve telled thee that many times,
Till am blue in face!
After all these years, thi’ English
It’s a piggin’ disgrace!

Tha mecks that many mistakes,
Enough is enough!
Sit thissen darn and I’ll teach thee’
About the word “chuff”.

A chuff is a bird,
Summat like a crow.
But this is information ,
As tha dunt need to know.

I’m chuffed -------------------- I’m happy
I’m well chuffed--------------- even happier
I’m dead chuffed---------------couldn’t be happier
Chuff off------------------------- go away - quickly
Don’t give a chuff-------------- don’t care
That’s a chuff-------------------- surprisingly bad
Chuff me ------------------------- surprisingly good
You’re a chuff ------------------- an insult
Chuffin’ cum ‘ere ,lad--------- a sexual invitation
Well, I’ll be chuffed! ----------- the subject of the sexual invitation is a puff!
Chuffin’ bog off then! --------- as before, not a sexual invitation
He’s a nice chuff! --------------- he’s not nice
Chuffin’ ‘ell --------------------- summats not quite right
Chuffin’ Chesterfield ---------- they always beat Rotherham at football

So here is a sentence to help thee understand!

Chuffin’ Chesterfields chuffin’ beat us a “chuffin’” gen!. I’m not well chuffed! They’re nice chuffs, they are! I wish they’d chuff off back to Derbyshire. Chuff me! We’ve still got to chuffin’ play ‘em  at their chuffin’ ground ? Chuffin’ ‘ell!!

 So, nar as tha knows how to use it,
Tell that bloke who’s paellas a bit tough,
To shurrup and gerrit etten,---------------
Cos tha dunt gi’ a chuff!!

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© 2006- www.chuffinell.co.uk - Translation by Steen Sørensen

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